A bit of Namshi at the 2014 AWS re:invent
It’s gonna be a great time in Las Vegas for Oba, our Lead System Administrator, who is going to attend the 2014 edition of AWS re:invent, the international event for the cloud lovers.
Newsletter #45
Welcome to TechThursday!
This week we say goodbye to @luciano, you will be missed!
We’ve been working on clusterjs! Take a look at the blog post Today we released version 0.7!
Our @Cirpo will be speaking at the PHP North East Conference in Boston in a September! Read about his presentation here
- Faster user-land re-implementations for several common built-in native JavaScript functions
- What Twitter Isn’t Telling You About GIFs
- How I Made $3,000 with 90 Lines of Code
- Akamai delivers for the world cup
- First Online Symfony Community Hack Day: July 5th!
- ng-inspect like a boss
- How To Communicate Effectively in IT Projects
- Best practices in modern web projects
- PHP Deamon – Asynchronous server-side framework for Web and network applications implemented in PHP
- An easy to use interface that helps you generate Ansible Playbooks for PHP based projects
- SSH Tricks
- GitHub badges as a service
- PHP – The Future of Packages
- Refactoring Legacy Code: Part 7 – Identifying the Presentation Layer
- PHPSpec – the only Design Tool you need
Goodbye Lucianino!
This week one of our teammates left the team to pursuit his next big challenge: we are talking about Luciano who is now in Spain, hacking, as usual, with JavaScript.
The Namshees invade the USA… …with PHP (and many more)!
If you’re a geek somewhere around Boston, in September, you definitely don’t want to miss the PHP North East conference, which has an amazing lineup of speakers and a surprise from Dubai.
ClusterJS, clusterify your NodeJS applications and achieve zero-downtime deployments
NodeJS has a very nice built-in support for clusters through its native cluster module: by using it and realizing we wanted to achieve zero-downtime deployments (ZDD) on our node apps we decided to kick in.
Newsletter #44
TechThursday is here folks and we have two special mentions today.
Mohamad Hallal wrote an awesome post about his pitfalls as junior developer
Lucio released a very cool personal project: Carmen Sandiego. This nodejs app let’s you visualize your Foursquare checkins on a world map! Check the dedicated blog post
Here the list of other useful links of the week:
When you start working as a software developer…
…it’s always a joy, full of surprises: what they don’t tell you is that not all of the surprises are much fun.
Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
The team at Namshi is always on the go with some new open source project that lights up our weekends or solves some of the small dilemmas we daily face at work.
Newsletter #43
TechThursday is here again!
This week we released a new and opensource library on github: Mockserver for mocking apis, our fellow Mohamad wrote a post about it, check it!
Your Job is not to code – different perspective – Your job is to code
MockServer, Effortless API Mocking Library in Node Js
Namshi Tech Team is happy to roll-out a new node-based library!
We present you MockServer, a library that allows you to easily mock your APIs’ plain HTTP responses.