jsDay and phpDay recap
One week ago, Luciano, Lucio, Alex and I attended the annual jsDay and phpDay in Verona organized by the GrUSP, the Italian PHP user Group.
It was a nice experience in the beautiful city of Verona, and an opportunity to meet interesting people from international communities while attending the talks during those 4 days.
The conferences were sold out, with more than 300 attendees and two tracks per day. Kudos and props to the organizers!
Namshi was sponsoring the event, and we tried to do some recruitmement (did you check the join-us page?)
During the jsDay, Luciano spoke about “AngularJS and mobile applications”, giving good insight into our experience using AngularJS while developing a mobile website.
There were other presentations worth mentioning:
- “AngularJS: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly “ by Gilles Rupert.
“NSA.JS” by Danni Friedland who presented this cool library to track the user browse experience
“The strange world of Javascript and all its little asynchronous beasts” by Federico Galassi
“Monads, Promises, and Reactive Metaprogramming” by Massimiliano Mantione
The complete talks list with slides are on joind.in.
The opening keynote was addressed by Rasmus Lerdord (the PHP creator), showing us an interesting, and sometimes passionate, overview of what’s new in PHP 5.6 and the technical/design choices behind it.
Alex and I gave a talk about “How to build durable web apis” based on our experience at Namshi while building our Service Oriented Architechture.
Other very interesting presentations:
I really enjoyed the talk “Practical Event Sourcing” by Mathias Verraes. I also suggest checking other presentations from this great speaker.
Another great presentation was given by Marcello Duarte, the master of PHPspec, “Emergent design with phpspec”
Konstantin Kudryashov, the guy behind Behat with “Moving Away from Legacy code with BDD”
The complete phpDay talk list and slides can be found on joind.in as well.
Join communities!
Attending conferences that are community driven like jsDay and phpDay are always a great moment to improve yourself as a developer and they give you the possibility to be part of the community. You have the chance to understand what’s going on in our field, talk in person with other devs that maybe you just know because you sent a PR to their awesome opensource project on Github, getting tons of advices and inspiration and so on. Keep following @TechNamshi on twitter, a new community is coming in Dubai… stay tuned!
Follow @jsday and @phpday to stay updated on when they are going to release the talks videos.